/******************************************************************************** Script that includes al the required scripts from this database Author: Eugen Cretu/RO/SOBIS Creation date: 29.09.2005 *********************************************************************************/ // Place here the required .js files. DO NOT USE PATH to the database $import("actionbar.js"); $import("viewtemplate.js"); $import("validation.js"); //$import("iframes.js"); $import("popup_calendar.js"); $import("portlet/navigation_tabs.js"); function $import(path){ var i, base='/portal/mures/ludus/portal.nsf/'; document.write("<" + "script src=\"" + base + path + "\">"); } function ShowHelp(id){ var strJump="/"+getPath0()+'/Help.nsf/vwHelpCap/'+id+'?OpenDocument' window.open(strJump,'Ajutor','status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,top=10,left=10,width=700,height=500'); } function createAttachments (strBaseUrl, arrLinks) { var strHTML, strFile, strLen, strLink, strImage, strExt; strHTML = ''; strHTML += ''; strHTML += ''; for (i = 0; i < arrLinks.length; i++) { strFile = arrLinks [i].split ('*') [0]; strLen = arrLinks [i].split ('*') [1]; strLink = strBaseUrl + strFile; strExt = strFile.split ('.'); if (strExt [0]) strExt = strExt [strExt.length -1]; else strExt = ''; strImage = (strExt == 'gif' || strExt == 'bmp' || strExt == 'jpg' || strExt == 'jpeg' || strExt == 'png') ? '' : ''; strHTML += ''; strHTML += ''; strHTML += ''; } strHTML += '
URLNume fisier Dimensiune (kb)Imagine drag&drop
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